Game three analysis
Our high school basketball team had a tough game 3. Our opponent was high school Batch 86 and they have towering players that played a fast game and dominated most of the rebounds. During the first two minutes of the game, our opponents took a large leap on the scoreboard and had our team trailing behind by 10 points. Batch 86 kept a 2-digit score lead on our team through out the game. On the last stretch, their lead widened even more. When the game ended, the final score was 40-56 with batch 86 bagging the game.
Despite the wide gap in score, our team spirit was high. Our team players battled it out with our opponents in an effort to defend our team’s honor! Though we lost the game, we made our opponents work hard to earn every point in their scoreboard. Everybody did their best and were happy to share their post game review. Here are a few post game 3 analysis coming from our players that identifies our game handicaps:
Francis Alarkon - “Our coach was not present during the game which caused us to lose track of our game plan . Everything was fluid and the team play was a bit chaotic.”
Jun Imperial - “Our team is accustomed to playing basketball late in the afternoon because our players had been used to our normal basketball practice that is scheduled at 7pm. Had game 3 been scheduled late in the afternoon, our team would have performed much better.“
Albert Villafuerte - “Our opponent’s flashy pink uniforms was a pesky distraction to our players! Our players did not apply brute force during the game and were careful not to injure any of the pink players. Everybody in our team transformed into a well behaved gentlemen and softened up when releasing a shot or while defending our basket.”
There you are, my gentle batchmates! Our loss to batch 86 was attributed to these 3 main factors: Absentee coach, Game schedule and Opponent’s fancy colored uniform.
We await our next basketball game and we invite available batchmates to join and cheer us up . Your presence will add energy to our team.
Come on guys , let us rally Mighty 80 and make us all proud of our team! It is not winning the game that counts. It is the camaraderie that these games produces that matters! (And also equally important is the main attaction—Hot food available to our team af
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Despite the wide gap in score, our team spirit was high. Our team players battled it out with our opponents in an effort to defend our team’s honor! Though we lost the game, we made our opponents work hard to earn every point in their scoreboard. Everybody did their best and were happy to share their post game review. Here are a few post game 3 analysis coming from our players that identifies our game handicaps:
Francis Alarkon - “Our coach was not present during the game which caused us to lose track of our game plan . Everything was fluid and the team play was a bit chaotic.”
Jun Imperial - “Our team is accustomed to playing basketball late in the afternoon because our players had been used to our normal basketball practice that is scheduled at 7pm. Had game 3 been scheduled late in the afternoon, our team would have performed much better.“
Albert Villafuerte - “Our opponent’s flashy pink uniforms was a pesky distraction to our players! Our players did not apply brute force during the game and were careful not to injure any of the pink players. Everybody in our team transformed into a well behaved gentlemen and softened up when releasing a shot or while defending our basket.”
There you are, my gentle batchmates! Our loss to batch 86 was attributed to these 3 main factors: Absentee coach, Game schedule and Opponent’s fancy colored uniform.
We await our next basketball game and we invite available batchmates to join and cheer us up . Your presence will add energy to our team.
Come on guys , let us rally Mighty 80 and make us all proud of our team! It is not winning the game that counts. It is the camaraderie that these games produces that matters! (And also equally important is the main attaction—Hot food available to our team af

Quite amusing that the foes' pink uniform was given as an excuse although obviously meant to be good-natures. The coach was missing though--so what was his reason for being absent?
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