LG-20 sponsored Kikiks batch activity

Last October 31st at around 4:05AM, my cell phone beeped loudly informing me that I have a new text message. When I picked up my cell phone, the message on the screen said something like, “Ivan, mag-login ka na ta nagpupuon na kami digdi”. The sender of the message was Edgar Zantua.
The temperature outside was quite cold that morning and so while I was dragging myself out of bed, I wondered who among my other batch mates who reside in this side of the world would be insane enough to get up that early in the morning. Immediately after I logged into yahoo messager, two messages popped on my screen. One was from Teks Veneracion who resides in New Zealand and the other from Toton Roque (Los Angeles). We all turned on our webcams and started chatting. I was able to open up the webcam windows of Edgar Zantua and Teody Laquindanum and saw all the guys that were at the LG-20’s batch activity.
Teks, Kiroks and I felt bad a little because there was no audio while we were watching the activity on the webcam. Kaidtong mga sarong oras na ang nakaagi, dai na ako nakatios and so I decided to pick up the phone and call Bob Marlin grill where the activity was at. I spoke to a few guys like Alex Sarmiento, Edgar & Gerard Zantua, Boots Rebueno, Ricky Sadiosa and a few others. Colonel Alex told me that he traveled to the U.S. before to attend a law enforcement training. When he went to California, he visited San Francisco and also went to Los Angeles. I felt bad that we missed the opportunity to bring Col. Alex around Los Angeles.
While I was watching the webcam of Naga, I was surprised to see a “chungki” being waved infront of the webcam. The next item that was shown on the webcam was an ice cold San Mig Lite beer. The Naga boys were showing us what we were all missing.
I checked on the webcam window of Teks and saw him drinking what looks like a well known brand of whiskey. Patagay-tagay at nagto-toast pa siya sa webcam. Araatchan may tama na si Teks. I gave Teks the phone number of Bob Marlin grill and so he called the phone and was able to talk to a long line of guys there. Pigparasa-pasa si telephono. I was listening in on their conversation and cracked up a lot because Teks was just firing away a lot of funny comments and jokes with the Naga boys.
Though our webcam connection did not have any audio, watching the smiling and laughing faces of batch 1980 members gave me a sense of relief that the whole event turned out to be a smashing success.
Joseph Ivan Y.
Article written by Boots Rebueno
Here are a few moments during the October 31st reunion worth telling (I tried my best to be as close to the actual incident or remark in my narrative. Matindi naman ang memory gap ta above 40 na man kita . . . he he he) .
- Ricky was very proud and generous in giving away free copies of his book, Bagong Bayani. Garo one dozen ang pig giveaway niya. When I told those who failed to write their cell phone numbers in the attendance sheet that they will not be receiving Ricky’s book which he will send to those who attended the batch activity, a mad scramble ensued. Lo and behold, gabos nagsururat kan saindang cell phone numbers sa attendance sheet. He he he. Mr. Guitarman, please do not renege on your promise!
- Mighty 80 is forever thankful to Raffy Yllana for capturing our momentous activity on camera. Lugi siya ta almost 90% of the photos mayo siya! Thank You Raf (Round of applause)
- Of course, who can forget the telethon care of Ivan and Teks and Kiroks (?). For sure, their telephone bills will go through the roof.
- Thank you to Teody for facilitating the availability of 2 guitars (1 rhythm and 1 electric). I was with Oning Torres and Francis Calma when we fetched it at Teody’s house. His nephew reluctantly lent us the electric guitar and he even asked us if we’re sure that it will still be returned to him! Herak man. He he he
- Thank you to Tanjun for the LCD which spelled a big difference in making the activity memorable. Dai mi kunta nakaulay si Teks. I believe Kiroks and Ivan were also on line. Sayang ta mayong audio.
- Jude Llana was looking for a “tempo pedal” for him to use while he plays the electric organ. Since we can’t produce one, he refrained from playing. Tama lang ta masakit man ngani magtugtog kung kulang nin gamit. Eventually he was convinced to play it lalo na kan kantaan siya nin happy birthday! Yes, Jude’s birthday coincided with our batch activity on October 31.
- Stephen, Chito, Oning, Albert and Jojo – nagpalitrato dahil kalbo! He he he
- Larks, Dong and Charlie – nagpalitrato dahil ubanon! He he he
- Dong was with two burly companions who stuck with him until the wee hours of the morning. Dong for Congressman!
- When Alex Sarmiento was called to share a message. Simple lang ang sinabi – Maski kang high school bihira man ako magtaram kaya mapainom na lang!
- When Jun Imperial saw Raffy , he suddenly exclaimed – “Yaon palan si tempowawe”. (peace Raf, peace he he he)
- When susing Guinhawa was given the chance to share his thoughts – one memorable phrase he said, to the consternation of LG 18, is –"Sala garu ang binalihan kong LG ay. Dapat LG 20 palan ta maurag mag organize."
- When two batch mates tried to order an additional bucket of beer close to midnight, the waiter politely declined from giving them because Edgar has already closed the payment. Boyong na kaya mahirit pa! He he he
- All the Torreses were present – Oning, Brothers Chito and Stephen, and Mao (who braved the typhoon and was stranded somewhere along Quezon province, just to attend our activity.
- When Digs and Ricky sang folk songs popularized by America , everybody sang their hearts out too!
- Dean and the LG reps – Larks(17), Teody(18), Naps(19), Albert and ako(20) had an official quick meeting to agree on some concerns for our batch activity scheduled on December 2009. A proposal to raise P 5,000 by each LG to fund our December activity was announced by Dean and was unanimously approved by all the attendees.
- Each was given two pieces of candles that were lighted for our dear departed batch mates with Batch 1980 blue and gold ribbon as tokens.
- Raffy had to leave the party before midnight and was driven by Dong’s burly friends to CWC. All the rest of the kikiks stayed behind and enjoyed drinking ice cold beer until 2:30 in the morning. Halos dai na magsuruwayan. The beer was generously provided by Colonel Alex.
- LG-20’s hosted batch activity was the most attended among the previous ones! We broke the previous record of 34 attendees during the hosting of LG 19. Kwarenta y sais (46) gabos ang nag attend kan October 31!
- Of course dakulang pasasalamat sa gabos na nag-attend, particularly those who were seldom present during the batch activities previously hosted by other LGs such as Ricky (since 1980!), Stephen (since 1980!), Bobet (since 2005),Gene (since 2005), Mao (since 2005), Raffy (since 2005), Col. Alex (since 2005). Kung napasala ako sa date, pasensiya nap o. he he he
- I encourage those who were around to also share your memorable moments ta sigurado kadakul akong nalingawan! He he he
- And last but definitely not the least . . TY to Edgar for voluntarily accepting the laborious role of being Kikiks treasurer!
Boots Rebueno

masakit an pirme nasa luwas nagyoyosi, dai kabali sa kodakan!
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